There was a restaurant that had a ham and cabbage soup that was terriffic. I decided to make a recipe that emulated this soup with my own style. Try it and see if you like it. I did and decided to share it with everyone. ENJOY
2 tab of Millers (or equivilent)Soup Base
1/2 fresh chicken
1 medium cabbage about 2 1/2 lbs or so, cut in small pieces
4 carrots peeled and minced
1 lg or 2 medium onions, peeled and sliced
11/2 lbs of good ham (left over from a ham dinner), cut into
about 1 inch pieces
1 tsp coarse black pepper
2 tab sugar
1. boil the chicken in a lg soup pot with the Millers Soup Base
about 1 1/2 hrs, remove chicken for something like chicken salad
2. fry the onions in a lg fry pan until almost brown; add to pot
3. add the cabbage into the soup pot and cook about 3/4 hour until
the cabbage is not quite done
4. add the ham pieces and cook an additional half an hour until the
cabbage is done but not dead
5. add the sugar to the pot
6. taste for flavor and salt
7. will serve 6 generously
See, now there ya go! The very first ingredient is specific to a region or country. We can't get Millers Soup Base here, so we are left in the dark wondering what an "equivilent" ingredient would be. And that's when we decide to click on the X in the top right corner of our screen.