About Me

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FRANK ASHTON CLASSIC ITALIAN AND ADDITIONAL RECIPES: My name is Frank Ashton and I live in the Cleveland Ohio area. I was a high school art teacher for 33 years. I love painting,especially Impressionism; and traveling with my wife; but my other love is for cooking. Over the years I have probably cooked for some 20,000 people. This includes cooking free for many groups to raise funds for worthy causes. Most of my recipes are original from me and some from my mother or my wife Dottie. This has led me to decide to share my original recipes with others. This site has 110 recipes to date! My goal is to be able to give real recipes that really are excellent. One should not expect anything exotic; but I will guarantee they will impress anyone who loves to eat. FIRST GO TO GOOGLE AND PRINT IN THE WHITE BOX FRANK ASHTON ORIGINAL RECIPES AND CLICK ON THAT. Frank Ashton Original Recipes should come up. To print a recipe save it to favorites and then click on the recipe on favorites and you will then be able to print it. THERE ARE OVER 50 VEGETARIAN (MEAT FREE) RECIPES LOOK FOR THE ASTERISK * IN FRONT OF EACH RECIPE OR WORDS VEGETARIAN STYLE

Friday, September 17, 2010


This is a recipe for Sicilian (Italian) sausage that is a family recipe from my grandfather Frank Sidoti who came from Sicily.  It is a very simple recipe and one that makes a very flavorable and delicious sausage.  Some individuals, mostly non Italian, will add such things as paprika, parsley, oregano, basil, anise, even parmesan cheese or some other additional spices.  My advice to you is don"t!  There are those that also feel that they must grind the meat three or four times or more. Such grinding will also destroy the flavor of this sausage. Just remember-coarse is the only way to grind the meat and as to the recipe- SIMPLE IS BETTER!  If you have a Kitchen Aide mixer; you can go on the internet and buy a meat grinder attachment for about $37 and a stuffer for about $9.



10 lbs pork butt or pork shoulder
 3 lbs pork fat

  4 tbls fennel seed
(don't use anise!)
4 tsp salt
4 tsp ground pepper
 For hot sausage only (2 tsp red pepper flakes)
 about 20 ft of pork casing (ask your butcher)


1.cut pork butt and pork fat into smalll pieces and
   grind the meat coarse (only once)
2. mix all other ingredients with meat
   using a pot or large bowl
3. put the pork mixture in the refridgerator
   over night to combine flavors
4. make a patty of meat and fry and taste
5. using a stuffing tube (put some olive oil  on tube) shove the casing on
    stuffer next without tearing
6. hold the casing and stuff until all the meat is used (one person could
    put meat into the top of the machine while the other person holds the
    stuffed casing into either links or as a long link
7. sausage can be frozen in 2 or 3 lb amounts

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