The Germans make a recipe with rabbits called Hossenpheper which is a sweet and sour dish. The following recipe is a variation of the dish using rabbit but for this recipe one uses chicken. The main ingredient is sour cream and is actually very good. I urge you to try it and please let me know what you think about it.
1 whole frying chicken
3 medium onions, peeled, cut in half
and sliced
1/3 cup of virgin olive oil
1 stick of butter
2 tbls flour
1 1/2 cups sour cream
2 qts of chicken stock
2 tbls of Millers or equivilent
chicken base
1 cup of sparkling white wine
1 herb bouquet which includes
4 parsley sprigs, 3 bay leaves,
3 sprigs of thyme, and 3 bay leaves
tying all of these herbs together
4 potatos peeled and cut into cubes
1/2 cup of parsley
1/2 tsp pepper
1. pour 2 qts of water into a lg soup
pot over moderate heat and cook until
the water is almost to the boil
2. add the 2 tbls of Millers or equivilent
soup base stiring until it is well
3. add a 3 lb frying chicken to the pot and
and simmer for about a 1/2 hr and remove
4. transfer the chicken to a 9 inch by 13 inch
metal or glass pan; add about 2 cups of stock
from the soup pot and braise it about 1/2 hour
peel 3 medium onions, cut in half and slice them
5. pour 1/2 cup of virgin olive oil in a large fry
pan and saute until slightly brown
6. now add the 4 cubed potatos to the onions and
continue to sauting them until they are slightly
brown and remove both the potatos and onions and
7. add the stick of butter into the fry pan and melt
the butter
8. add the 2 tbls of flour and using a whisk stir the
the flour with the butter until you have a roux
9. now add the sour cream and stir in well
10 now add the remaining chicken stock and stir in
until all is incorporated and smooth
11 now add the sparkling wine and stir well
12. now add a herb bouquet of 4 sprigs of parsley,
3 bay leaves, 3 sprigs o thyme and tie them all
together and put them into the soup pot
13. now add the chicken to the soup pot with 1/4 cup
of parsley and 1/2 tsp of pepper
14. ladle the liquid over the chicken and bake about
a half an hour or more until the chicken is done
15. this recipe will serve 6 to 8 people
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